William Caxton (9781341997310)

French Scientific and Cultural Diplomacy (9781846318658)

France has long been engaged in a very active cultural and scientific diplomacy. It aims both at ensuring and valorising the international presence of France in the domains of language, culture, communication, or higher education and research. This diplomacy is backed by a network of cooperation services in embassies and cultural institutions, as well as by numerous operators and specialised agencies in various sectors.

This book asks whether cultural diplomacy, invented by France in the 18th century, is in danger. It asks whether the present system, aimed at helping artists and creators, professionals of teaching and culture, researchers and intellectuals, can be improved. And it argues that a diplomacy of influence needs coherent foreign policy connecting sectors and promoting partnerships.

Product details

  • Paperback | 144 pages
  • 156 x 234 x 10.16mm | 272.16g
  • Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 1846318653
  • 9781846318658
  • 1,464,610

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